Tuesday 25 December 2012

Greenpeace India launches 'The Forest Hero'

 Greenpeace India is launching a facebook application called ''The Forest Hero'' shortly. The application is part of Greenpeace's Junglistan campaign which aims at putting a stop to the inefficient mining practices and land allocation for coal mining.This application contains a video that narrates the story of a Forest Hero through a video where an individual's action has changed the life of people in a single village.

The person who uses the application can choose a picture of himself, which the application thereafter uploads into the video.

"The idea is that a person can add himself into the film, spreading the meddage of saving the forest. There are several points in the film where a photo of a 'hero' appears. The user can add their own photo in these spaces - either by selecting a photo from their Facebook, taking a pic with their webcam or uploading a photo from their desktop. Uploading the photo and starting the film also signs the petition to protect the forest and helps gather support for the forests. Once the film has finished the user is automatically prompted to share on Facebook, and then given a number of other sharing options," said a Greenpeace India volunteer.

Forest versus Coal is a discussion that involves more than just the environmental aspect. A common perception is that India needs to develop at the same rate or higher and it's only possible by burning more coal.

Greenpeace India, however, has been campaigning to bring about the right policy changes that will facilitate and promote alternatives to coal and keep India on the right development path, while being sustainable at the same time. The members of the group are hoping this application, will reach out to a large number of people and the content of the application will act as a conversation starter which in turn will lead to a discussion on the issue.

Significantly, Greenpeace India has been working on this issue for a long time and will continue doing so for the next year.

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